Legal Clinic: with Abigail Johnston, Esq
Tue, May 09
Get help and answers here to any of your legal questions when dealing with an MBC diagnosis. ***(for patients and caregivers)

Time & Location
May 09, 2023, 1:30 PM – 2:30 PM EDT
About the Event
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Your legal consult: Abigail Johnston, Esquire has been a licensed attorney in Florida since 2002 and after a de novo stage IV metastatic breast cancer (MBC) diagnosis in 2017 at the age of 38, Abigail quit her day job as a lawyer, accessed her disability benefits (private and public), and reorganized her life to prioritize her own health, something she wasn’t doing well before then. Advocacy, she often says, is just in her blood and as she delved into the world of those experiencing MBC, she quickly saw many gaps in caring for cancer-havers as whole people. Thus, Abigail founded Connect IV in 2019, which exists to connect those living with MBC with lawyers willing to provide free legal work. The Legal Clinics Abigail hosts are a frank conversation about whatever is on the minds of the attendees and often the attendees educate each other in significant ways.